Friday, April 16, 2010

Expressing oneself!

Well since the last blog, lots have changed. I am married, waiting for a new arrival and the lady of my life has greatly simplified my thinking and is showing me life is much more simple than what I thought it to be.

I am back to simply express myself, not necessarily to tell the world 'whats on my mind' by the passing minute and hour..

As I grow old I realize this -Silence is golden. Not a discovery. Also being knowledgeable doesn't make one a person of wisdom. Again being old (as I grow old) don't mean one is full of wisdom. I say this cos we exactly know what we need to do and what we cannot afford to continue doing, still we do what we do.

I only realize there is too much mental rattle, mind loves it! All these twitter, facebook and this new found ways of 'staying connected' are manifestation of this mental rattle. Really, do we really need to stay connected? How connected are we? Aren't we still oblivious to the people who are trying to reach us? The ones that really need us. I think.


Anonymous said...

i understand what you have written

the people who need your help are not on fb or twitter.
but the people whom you have met so far in your life and who can help you in helping those who need your help are on these social networks.

to stay connected with them or not is your choice. and we are who we are because of the the choices that we make. think. God bless.

Syed Imran

ennigmaa said...

:-) Its like the bout of credit card offers that ruined the Indian IT professionals who didnt know how to handle their new job, thick pay check and fell prey to all what was possible. Swipe on till you max out.

Its the 'staying connected' syndrome now. PPl dont know how to handle it and for what purpose. Just spend 10 mins going thro the walls of 5 random friends and see if all the time and energy spent was worth it and for what purpose? You know what I mean.