One of the questions thrown at him.... "Surely at times you feel a sense of power beyond measure? Your endorsements are heftier than even Amitabh Bachchan's. Global icons like Michael Schumacher and Dire Straits are your admirers... "
Just one look @ this pic n we can say what this man is made of(no am not talking bout the rice n curry on his plate) .Hez still got his feet very much on the ground even after 17 odd yrs....
So, you took that cherubic smile for modesty and innocence. Even though it sounds like a good observation, I think it is bit hasty to decide anything based upon a single photo.
this pic is just 1 out of a million pics of tendlia. he doenst have to prove nething thro pics . we've seen him for 17 yrs
The title of the post is about determination and consistency.
The content of the post is about being level headed and humbleness. I don't see a connection.
the title is what he says best describes him. wht i wrote is what i think is him. its ok.
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