Monday, February 14, 2011

Being romantic....valentine's day etc..

Dictionary meaning of romance:  (noun) a baseless, made-up story, usually full of exaggeration or fanciful invention.
(verb) to court or woo romantically; treat with ardor or chivalrousness

Romantic : fanciful; impractical; unrealistic: romantic ideas.

What is to be romantic?

 Romance comes from retaining your child like behaviour and the love for life and the child like amazement at all the things around you. To a child anything is possible, everyone is lovable, the childs mind is a mind devoid of impressions, baggage and expectations. The child's actions are spontaneous and not orchestrated or deliberate.The more we manage to retain that child like mind, the more romantic we are in life. The giver has no dearth of romance in his/her life.

In relations being romantic is sensing what is required and doing or saying things without being asked for -in all relations..your partner, parent, child or a friend likes, that abundance in love and zest for life is romantic to me.

Thanks to media and commercialism and 'believe all you see' innocence and malleable minds in people, romance is tied to only the relation between a man and a woman and focussed around the fancy stuff that can be bought, written words that can borrowed to express 'one's' love. I dont have a problem with chivalrous men as long as the man sees even a woman past her prime and  with missing teeth as deserving as a damsel he is courting.

Current day take on romanticism is nothing short of narcissism.

Is buying a bunch of flowers on Valentine's day romantic? To me its academic, its just going through the motions...Why do something that you don't mean, why say things that you didn't feel? Romance is not in a printed card or an expensive candle light dinner. It is in being spontaneous, being unconditional and it does not 'show up' based on a date or a day. Romance is this smile that comes from within that emnates optimism and unbridled faith in our loved ones and  fellow human.

Well if you ask me the flowers are better off left in the plants. They are more beautiful there. Can't we enjoy their presence 'as is'? Hmm..